Our Emergency Support Services (ESS) team helps those in our community and surrounding communities during evacuation alerts or orders. Our ESS team manages the provision of food, shelter, clothing and medical services for the first 72 hours of an emergency. Our ESS team depends on volunteers to offer these services to people that are forced from their homes because of an emergency.
If you are on evacuation alert or order, self-register for ESS services through the Evacuee Registration and Assistance Tool.
Evacuee Registration and Assistance Tool
Volunteers, local businesses and local organizations all make our ESS able to operate.
The City of Dawson Creek is actively recruiting ESS Volunteers. Volunteers are required to complete training, attend meetings and take part in annual exercises. Submit a contact information form by clicking the button below, or contact our Emergency Management Team to learn more.
We reach out annually to local businesses, asking if they would like to be a supplier for this great program. If you would like to pitch in, contact our team.
Learn more about this provincial government program by visiting www.gov.bc.ca.
For more information, contact our Emergency Management Team.