The City of Dawson Creek reads the city water meters on average every 60 days. The City then bills the residents every second month according to the fees and charges bylaw schedule below. View paying a Utility Bill to learn how to pay your utility bill.
Our Fees and Charges Bylaw is updated each year through Council. It lists the amount of every City fee. Costs increase on January 1st every year.
Water connection |
Water Rates |
Fixed infrastructure rates | ||||||||||||||||||
Our Fees and Charges Bylaw is updated each year through Council. It lists the amount of every City fee. Costs increase on January 1st every year.
Sewer Rates | ||||||||||||||||
Sewer fixed infrastructure rates (bi-monthly) | ||||||||||||||||
Sewer items | ||||||||||||||||
We apply a 10% late penalty to any current account balance that is not paid within 30 days of the billing date. Outstanding charges as of December 31 each year will be transferred to your property tax account. All overdue accounts will face possible disconnection, as per the Water shut off policy.