A home-based business is any job or profession that needs the use of a residential home to run.
You must apply for a business licence to run your business within Dawson Creek. Your application will be shared with the Building Inspector, Fire Department, Health Inspector and the RCMP if needed. The inspectors may choose to schedule a site inspection on your property or phone you for further information.
Home-based businesses must follow the City of Dawson Creek Zoning Bylaw guidelines:
The owner of the home occupation must be a resident of the principal dwelling unit
The home occupation must be conducted entirely within a dwelling unit or within an accessory building permitted by this Bylaw
Only one home occupation per parcel
A home occupation may include such occupations as accountant, artist studio, barber, beautician, financial advisor, massage therapist, real estate agent, tax consultant, and other similar occupations
The owner of the parcel on which the home occupation is located is required to hold a City business licence
The home occupation will not involve the parking of vehicles in excess of 5,500 kg GVW except to make deliveries to the premises
You are not permitted to have outdoor storage of materials, containers or finished products
There will be no external display or advertisement other than an unlit sign not exceeding 0.25 m2 in area, bearing only the name and occupation of the owner
Off street parking will be provided (talk to the City Planner for details)
No person will be employed in a home occupation who is not a resident of the dwelling unit in which the home occupation is taking place
A home based business is not permitted in a dwelling that has a secondary suite.