Most of the 2024 Capital Projects are well underway, with several projects having been completed or near completion.
Airport Control Tower HVAC – Most of the HVAC work is complete on this project. Council has recently approved the addition of direct digital control (DDC) system updates, which are required to finalize this project.
Barbaree Park Storm Outfall - The storm outfall near the creek at Barbaree Park has begun to collapse. The tender for this project closed on July 11, 2024. If awarded by Council, the expected construction date is in late September due to having to work within the creek in the fish and environmental windows.
Dawson Creek Art Gallery Entrance Upgrades – The vestibule is framed and sheathed. The next steps include roofing and installing new windows and doors. The completion of this project is expected in August 2024.
Kin Park Playground – The playground is complete and the grass seed is beginning to grow. The replacement for the damaged slide has been ordered and installation will occur upon delivery.
Kin Park Trail Network Connections - Paving and landscaping work has been completed on the Kin Park Trail Network Connections. Amenities such as bike racks, benches and tables have recently been received. Installation of these amenities should take place within the next two weeks.
Memorial Slab Replacement - All demolition activities on the slab are complete, and the contractor has heat floor loops installed and pressure tested. The sand base has been graded and insulation installed. The dasher board layout has been reviewed, and the next steps include chilled floor installation and reconnecting the ice plants. This project is approximately three weeks behind schedule, so the contractor has increased their crew to include a cross shift to help prevent further delays.
Memorial HVAC Phase 2 – The HVAC project is progressing relatively smoothly; next steps include installing screw pile foundations for the new air handling unit on the south exterior of the arena. Council has recently approved the addition of direct digital control (DDC) system updates, which are required to finalize this project.
Rotary Park Playground – The playground construction and landscaping is complete. The new playground is now open for play as of July 15, 2024. Please stay off the new grass until the end of July.
8 St Culvert Crossing - The contractor has completed the pipe replacement, the road and sidewalk repairs, and the landscaping for the culvert crossing replacement near the railroad tracks at 100B Avenue. The next steps for this project include some sidewalk upgrades near the rail crossing upon successful coordination with CN Rail for rail flaggers.
96 Avenue from 8 Street to 13 Street - The road surface has been removed on 96 Avenue. Crews are working to replace underground water and sewer utilities before work begins on road base reconstruction. Waterworks changes are complete, and sanitary manhole updates are complete. Storm main upgrades are about 50% complete and sanitary relining remains for the deep utility work.
100B Avenue Road Reconstruction - The design for this project is nearing completion, and the tender is expected to go out in late July.
109 Ave from 15 St to 17 St - Crews have completed the underground utility work and have reconstructed the road base. Curb, gutters and sidewalks have been installed.
112 Avenue East of 8 St - The contractor began work on this project on July 8, 2024. The road between Safeway and the Dawson Creek Mall on 112 Avenue has been milled and the Contractor is removing road base for reconstruction. The road is being prepared for asphalt pavement.
Camarlo Phase 3 - The road in the Camarlo Subdivision has been paved, and landscaping and hydroseeding have been completed. Driveways are completed, and Shaw has reinstated their services. This project has reached substantial completion, which means residents can resume regular use on the road in this area.
Downtown Traffic Lights - This project is underway and four traffic light poles at the 10 Street and 103 Avenue intersection have been replaced. 10 Street and 102 Avenue will be affected in the coming weeks as the work moves to this area next. Crews work closely with downtown business owners to ensure the impact is limited as much as possible. The traffic lights at 10 Street and 103 Avenue have been energized and will be in operation soon.
Parkhill Transmission Main Water Line - Crews have completed the highway crossings and CN Rail bore crossing. They are now working from Highway 49 southeast to 7th Street to complete the project. 103 Avenue just east of 7 Street is closed for work during this project to complete the looping in of old infrastructure. The anticipated completion date of this project is August 2024.
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