Read below about the decisions made by the City of Dawson Creek Council at the August 12, 2024 Council Meeting.
Fire Chief Marcel Capelle and Firefighter Mark Sutton were in attendance to receive BC Long Service Awards. Fire Chief Marcel Capelle received the British Columbia Long Service Award for 35 years of dedication to the fire service, and Firefighter Mark Sutton received the British Columbia Long Service Award for 25 years of dedication to the fire service.
Ian Roth, Transportation Engineer with Urban Systems, was in attendance via Zoom to give Council an update about the Transportation Master Plan. The intention of creating this master plan is to: improve active transportation and trail development standards; support main street and downtown vibrancy; enhance transportation safety and connectivity; and, engage with the community in sync with the 2024 Official Community Plan update. Learn more about transportation in our community, or take the Transportation Master Plan Survey on the City website.
Duncan Malkinson, Executive Director of the Dawson Creek Art Gallery (DCAG), was in attendance to present the DCAG 2024 Annual Report to Council. Malkinson shared highlights from the 2023 year and what the gallery does for the community. View the full Dawson Creek Art Gallery 2024 Annual Report Presentation online.
Nathan Bauder and Denise Young, representatives of the Dawson Creek Legion Cenotaph Committee, were in attendance to present a proposal to Council for the refurbishment of the Dawson Creek Cenotaph, which is located on the City Hall front lawn. The proposal includes changing the tiered base to a more accessible monument with a flatter base, as well as including more recognition via names of the fallen written on the cenotaph. Council expressed interest and support of the renewed cenotaph, and directed Staff to appoint an advisor to the project committee.
A letter was received from representatives of ForestryWorksforBC introducing the ForestryWorksforBC campaign, a new grassroots initiative to raise awareness about the critical role forestry plays in the well-being of rural and urban communities. The group requested that Council join other communities in sending a letter of support to provincial representatives. Council directed staff to provide a letter.
A letter from the South Peace Health Services Society (SPHSS) was received requesting the reimbursement of the property taxes for the property that the SPHSS leases from the City of Dawson Creek located at 1608 106 Avenue. Council denied the request for reimbursement of the 2024 Property Taxes that were paid.
Report No. 24-058 requests a resolution from Council to impose remedial action on 1311 and 1315 - 100th Avenue due to the risk to health and safety and declare the property a nuisance. Council directed Staff to allow a 30-day time period for completion of the clean-up work and a 14-day time period for the owner to request reconsideration of Council's decision. The property owner will be notified by personal service of Council’s decision as per Section 77 of the Community Charter. Additionally, notice of the remedial action requirement will be mailed to each holder of a charge registered on the properties whose name is included in the assessment roll.
Report No. 24-086 includes applications from local organizations for Permissive Tax Exemptions. Council directed Staff to inform Permissive Tax Exemption applicants of the need to present at the September 9, 2024, Regular Council meeting. Once the Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw receives its first three readings, staff will proceed with notification as required under Section 227(1) of the Community Charter. Adoption must be considered and approved before October 31, 2024. View the report, including the Permissive Tax Exemption applicants, online.
Report No. 24-092 Street Lighting Master Plan provides Council with a comprehensive overview of the current state of the City’s street lighting assets. The plan also presents recommendations for future street lighting capital programs, should Council wish to pursue them. Council directed Staff to present a capital budget item for a phase of the Street Lighting Capital Program during the 2025 budget discussions for Council's consideration. View the Street Lighting Master Plan online.
Report No. 24-095 details an application that was submitted by Rimrock Ridge Enterprises Inc. for a Liquor Primary Licence for The Golf Barn Sports Lounge, located at 1444 102 Avenue. Council supported the issuance of the Liquor Primary Licence.
Report No. 24-096 provides Council with information and an update on the status of the sewer trunk main project, and requests approval for Staff to proceed with the project, which includes beginning the procurement process to engage a contractor who will collaborate with the City and Engineering Consultant using a design-assist approach for the delivery and completion of the project. Council directed Staff to allocate $275,000 from the Sewer Capital Reserves towards this project, and authorized Staff to proceed with a Design Assist Approach for the Sewer Trunk Main Replacement project to continue the design phase in preparation for a 2025 construction window for Phase 1 of the project.
Report No. 24-097 requests a resolution from Council to undertake Stage 1 of the Liquid Waste Management Plan, and plan to help extend the life of the existing liquid waste system while further time is taken to research, source and implement new concepts to meet the future needs of Municipal Wastewater Regulation. Stage 1 includes a public consultation process to help identify the known problems and identify a short list of solutions to be further investigated. Council directed Staff to initiate the process for Stage 1 of a Liquid Waste Management Plan. Read more about the Liquid Waste Management Plan online.
Report No. 24-098 includes information and recommendations for the allocation of the Growing Communities Fund, and fund received by the City from the Province. Council directed Staff to defer the report until 2025 fall budget discussions. View the Growing Communities Fund Utilization and Funding Priority report online.
Report No. 24-101 includes the results of the second round of Splash Park Engagement, as well as funding recommendations. Council directed Staff to defer the resolution until 2025 fall budget discussions. Read the Splash Park Engagement: Survey Results and Recommendations report online, or learn more about the Splash Park Engagement project at
Council directed Staff to submit the following three topics and their background information to Northern Health for their Meetings during the 2024 UBCM Convention: Mental Health and Substance Use, Lab and Medical Imaging, and Seniors and Long-term Care.
Council approved one member of Council to attend the Healing the Land Conference, an event hosted by Saulteau First Nations from October 7-10, 2024.
Council approved the lighting of the Calvin Kruk Centre for the Arts in recognition of Prostate Cancer Awareness Month in September.