Read below about the decisions made by the City of Dawson Creek Council at the May 27, 2024 Council Meeting.
The Dawson Creek Volleyball Club U15 Girls Team was in attendance to share their recent win with Council. The team received the gold medal at the 2024 Youth Nationals in Edmonton, Alberta. Mayor and Council were proud to host them and honour them as athletes representing the community of Dawson Creek.
Hailey Armstrong was invited to Council as a “Wall of Fame” recipient. The Wall of Fame is located inside the Memorial Arena, and recognizes outstanding achievements in athletes, teams or coaches. Hailey was selected to the U13 Rep team when she was younger, which started her drive to play competitive hockey. She was always looking for opportunities to improve, which meant spending her off-seasons playing hockey on regional spring teams and going to summer hockey camps. All of this has led her on this journey of excellence. Hailey has been selected to Team BC twice, and helped the team win their first gold medal at the Canada Winter Games.
Meredith Thornton was invited to Council as a “Wall of Achievement” recipient. The Wall of Achievement is also located at the Memorial arena and recognizes those that have achieved great accomplishments within our community. Over the last 30 years, Meredith has made a significant impact on the Dawson Creek Speed Skating Club through her dedication to developing young skaters and volunteer coaching. Meredith’s patience and commitment have not only helped the skaters improve their skills, but have also instilled a love for the sport throughout the community. Her passion for coaching and her ability to nurture talented individuals has led to local speed skaters reaching provincial and national levels.
The General Manager of Development Services from the Peace River Regional District (PRRD), Ashley Murphey, was in attendance to present the PRRD’s current work towards a Regional Growth Strategy. The PRRD has completed many different forms of engagement on this project, but is continuing to look for more public input towards this document. View the full Regional Growth Strategy presentation online.
Students from the Dawson Creek Secondary School (DCSS) – Central Campus were in attendance to share their experiences from their trip to Vimy Ridge with Mayor and Council. The students shared their busy itinerary and the impacts their trip had on them as people. View the full presentation online.
Dale Bumstead, Scion Strategies Ltd., was in attendance to give Mayor and Council an update on his regional work with Treaty 8 First Nations and to give a presentation on a proposed Indigenous Cultural Event. Bumstead requested the use of the Ovintiv Events Centre for up to five consecutive days for the proposed Indigenous Cultural Event. Council directed staff to waive the rental fees at the centre and provide a letter of support towards the event. View the presentation and request online.
A letter was received from the Dawson Creek Triathlon Association requesting support from Mayor and Council including: a letter of endorsement; exclusive use of the Kenn Borek Aquatic Centre parking lot and the Paul Loiselle parking lot on the morning of July 14, 2024; permission to use the Dawson Trail; the use of 60 city barricades to block vehicle access to athlete only road surfaces; additional garbage cans; road closures as submitted to City Staff; a safety sweep of the Dawson Trail; continued staff support in the modification of digital maps created by city staff, and promotional assistance. Council approved all requests as written in the letter.
A letter was received from the Step Up “N” Ride Society requesting additional funding towards the services that they provide for the community. Mayor and Council directed staff to approach Step Up “N” Ride to discuss future plans and needs. Council directed staff to bring back more information to Council at a later date.
A letter was received from organizers of the Spirit of the Peace Powwow which extended an invite to Mayor and Council to participate in the grand entry at the powwow on either June 7, 8 or 9, 2024. The Spirit of the Peace Powwow takes place in Taylor, BC and admission is free or by donation. Everyone is welcome to attend the event.
A letter was received from the Dawson Creek Pride Society requesting a special raising of the Pride flag on May 31st at City Hall. Council approved the request.
A letter was received from Bannister Ford/GM requesting the use of City barricades from May 29-June 2, 2024 for the Rock the Peace sales event being held at the Northern Lights College. Council approved the request.
Council adopted the amended Exempt & Management Overtime Policy to include Exempt and Management Staff overtime wages at the rate of time and a half (1.5x) for the first two hours, and double time (2x) for all other hours worked when assigned to an emergency task number issued by the province. Read the full report online.
Meeting Requests for the 2024 UBCM Convention were presented for Council to discuss. A report with the final resolution, including the list of all meeting requests and the reasons behind them, will be brought to the next meeting.
Zoning Bylaw No. 4582, 2024 was adopted.