City of Dawson Creek Land Acknowledgement
"The City of Dawson Creek acknowledges that we are privileged to live and work on Treaty 8 territory and the traditional home of the Cree, Dane-Zaa, Saulteau, Sikanni and Slavey First Nations. We value the Métis Peoples that live and gather here. We commit to upholding the respectful relationships these Nations have built with the land and we acknowledge our responsibility to carry that forward today and into the future.”
The current City of Dawson Creek Council was elected in October 2022. Strategic priorities were set for 2022-2026, with a focus on five key areas. Read the full Strategic Plan document below, or read the latest Municipal Matters Newsletter to see how your Council is working for you.
2022-2026 Strategic Priorities 2022-2026 Strategic Plan
Community Vision Statement: Dawson Creek will be a visionary community that works together for innovative social, cultural, economic and environmental vitality.
Corporate Vision Statement: The Corporation of the City of Dawson Creek will be a forward looking, honest, respectful, fair, accessible and collaborative government that prides itself on responsive fiscal stewardship and holds the trust and confidence of the community.
Mission Statement: The Corporate Mission of the City of Dawson Creek is to provide excellence in service and leadership that promotes a dynamic community within a healthy environment for all generations
Council meetings are held upstairs in Council Chambers at City Hall at 10105 12A Street, Dawson Creek BC. They begin at 9:00 AM. Information for the agenda must be provided to the Administration Department in writing no later than noon (12 PM) the Monday before the meeting date. Unless the Monday is a holiday, then the deadline will be the Friday preceding the holiday.
Attend a meeting |
Members of the public are welcome to attend the open portion of a Council meeting and sit in the gallery. Once the meeting moves into the closed confidential portion, everyone will be asked to step out. If you would like to speak with Council, learn more about how you can appear before Council as a Delegation. |
Committee of the Whole |
A “Committee of the Whole” is a meeting format where the Council discusses matters in a more informal and deliberative setting, rather than in their official legislative capacity. This format allows for more open debate and initial consideration of City business. While Council can make recommendations during these meetings, no formal decisions are made. Any recommendations resulting from a Committee of the Whole meeting are forwarded to a Regular Meeting of the Council for formal decision-making. |
Correspondence |
Anyone can write a letter to Council. Submit your letter to Council no later than the Monday before a Council Meeting at 12 PM noon. Unless the Monday is a holiday, then the deadline will be the Friday preceding the holiday. All letters to Council can be sent to our Agenda Email in the Administration Department. |
The majority of open Council meetings are recorded and available for viewing a few days after the meeting on the City of Dawson Creek YouTube page. Use the links below to easily find a recent meeting, or search our YouTube page for older recordings.