Under the Local Government Act, municipalities are required to hold a Public Hearing before adopting an amendment to the Official Community Plan (OCP) or Zoning Bylaw to allow members of the public that may be affected to express concern, support or opposition.
Owners, residents and occupants of properties within a 30m radius of an area subject to a proposed OCP or Zoning Bylaw Amendment are notified via the delivery of a Public Notice. The Public Notice is also advertised on the City’s website and social platforms, and posted on the Public Notice Board in the City Hall lobby.
Prepare for a Public Hearing
Members of the public are encouraged to meet with City Staff to discuss any questions or concerns prior to the Public Hearing. Please note: Council meetings are livestreamed and recorded via the City Facebook page, and are available at a later date for streaming at www.dawsoncreek.ca/council.
Administration Department
Express your support, concern or opposition to City Council through the following methods:
- Send an email to the Corporate Officer, City of Dawson Creek at tyoung@dawsoncreek.ca
- Hand deliver a letter to the Administration Department at City Hall, Floor 3 with "Attn: Corporate Officer" noted on the front
- Send a letter via mail to: Attn: Mayor & Council, 10105 12A Street, Dawson Creek, BC V1G 3V7
- Attend a Public Hearing in person at Council Chambers, City Hall, 10105 12A Street, Dawson Creek, BC
Any written correspondence received by the Corporate Officer before the deadline noted in each Public Notice is added to the public agenda prior to the Public Hearing.
Public Hearing Schedule
Express your support, concern or opposition to City Council according to the following directions.
Keep in mind:
- Everyone gets one chance to speak per application with a limit of five minutes per person.
- Listen quietly and respect each person’s right to speak to Council. Do not speak or ask questions during another person’s speaking time.
- Council is present to hear your views, but not engage in debate.
Morning of the Hearing |
- Register at the front desk if you wish to speak during the hearing or submit written comments.
- You may have 5 minutes to address items of concern.
- Late comments will be submitted to Mayor and Council for reading before the hearing.
During the Hearing |
- The Mayor will indicate how many comments were received and how many people have registered to speak during the hearing.
- The Mayor will call forward those registered to speak. When it is your turn, approach the microphone and clearly state your name for the record.
- If you change your mind about speaking, but did not register at the front desk, you can do so when the Mayor calls for any additional speakers after all registered speakers have spoken.
- Note: You may speak only once per application.
- Council will not enter into debate with speakers. No debate will take place during the Public Hearing.
After the Hearing |
- Council is not permitted to receive or consider any new information, comments, or concerns regarding any bylaw that was subject of the Public Hearing.
- Having already given the first two readings to any bylaw spoken about during the Public Hearing, Council will consider third reading and adoption of the bylaw at the next scheduled Regular Meeting of Council.
- When deliberating the third reading, Council takes into consideration not only the information received at the Public Hearing, but also all other information received prior to the Public Hearing, as well as the City’s policies, priorities and objectives. Examples of this information include submission of the applicant, consultants, neighbours and stakeholders, as well as reports from City Staff.
- As Council cannot receive any further submissions, from any source, after the Public Hearing has ended, any submission received after the Public Hearing has closed will be forwarded to the Development Services Manager, but will not be circulated to Council.
Freedom of Information
Personal information is collected for the purposes of allowing the public to make representations to Council. The City of Dawson Creek is collecting this information under Section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA).
Learn more about FOIPPA.