The City of Dawson Creek maintains three cemeteries in the Dawson Creek area.
Purchase a plot at one of the local cemeteries by contacting our Accounts Payable Clerk by email or call 250-784-3607.
The cemeteries are managed according to:
The three city-owned and maintained cemeteries are the:
Our Fees and Charges Bylaw is updated each year through Council. It lists the amount of every City fee. Costs increase on January 1st every year.
Additional fees |
Exhumation fees - summer |
Exhumation fees - winter |
Interment Permits - Summer |
Summer fees apply from May 1st to September 30th.
Interment Permits - Winter | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Winter fees apply from October 1st to April 30th
Memorials and other installations | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rights of Interment | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Non-Resident fees + 25%
*includes 25% care fund fee