Here you will find many of the City of Dawson Creek's guiding documents.
You can also view these documents in our online library.
CED Reports |
CED Plan - Supply and Demand Report The first potion of CED to assess the current supply of land versus the projected demand for residential, commercial, industrial and park uses over a 20 year time horizon (2002). The second potion of CED to assess how the forecast land use needs can be met by provision of the core municipal infrastructure services of water, sanitary sewer, storm drainage and roads (2002). The third potion of a CED to develop a strategy for how future infrastructure can be financed (2002). |
Dawson Creek Attractions Master Plan: Analyses the existing attractions, recommends actions to improve these facilities where needed and addresses the need for new facilities (2007).
Drainage Master Plan: A prioritized capital project list for the stormwater network for capital planning efforts in the next 10 years (2017).
Economic Development Vision and Strategy – 2016: The strategies included within the document have not yet been formally adopted by Council.
Financial Plan: City of Dawson Creek's five year financial plan.
Heritage Strategy for the City of Dawson Creek: Focuses on the buildings, structures, and cultural landscapes and the collective memory and archives (2007).
Integrated Pest Management Plan: The approach taken in the current pest management programs (2005).
Local Government Climate Action Program Survey - LGCAP Survey (2024).
Official Community Plan: To guide future land use and address related needs for amenities, services, and infrastructure support.
Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan: A long range plan for the delivery of all parks and recreation services in the City providing a decision making framework and recommendations.
Pavement Management Plan: A 10 year plan that includes remedial maintenance and funding strategies for the paved road network (2015).
Sanitary Sewer Master Plan: Identifies capital upgrades to sanitary sewer system (2013).
South Peace Comprehensive Development Plan: Planned response to growth and long term land use allocation, a joint partnership between the City of Dawson Creek, Village of Pouce Coupe and the Peace River Regional District (2007).
Tourism Development Plan: To improve the tourism economy in the Dawson Creek and Pouce Coupe area (2009).
Transportation Master Plan: A plan for a transportation network that achieves the OCP vision while maintaining vehicle mobility (2013).
Water Cost Study: Estimating the actual cost of supplying water to residents and other consumers served by the municipality (2008).
Water (drinking) - Emergency Response Plan: Responding to emergency situations within the potable water system (2007).
Water - Kistakinaw Source Protection Plan: A summary of the proposed source protection plan for the watershed; the source of water for the City of Dawson Creek (2007).
Water Quality Assurance Plan: Review and assess waterworks system for maintaining adequate high quality water supply for the long-term (2001).
Water Rate Structure Report: Review of current water utility rate structure and recommendation for equity, conservation and sufficient revenue (2009).
Water Supply Expansion: Sure Water information and consultation outcomes (2013).
Watershed Management Plan: Protection of the Kiskatinaw River watershed resource (2003).
Past Surveys |
Affordable housing strategy 2009 To address creating, maintaining and advocating for housing affordability, diversity and sustainability. Identifies sources of fibre from the South Peace area that can be used as a bio-fuel in municipal facilities in Dawson Creek and identify economic opportunities respecting potential power generation and wood pellet manufacturing. To gauge community perceptions about public safety (2008). The first step towards deep reductions in global warming pollution and summarizing opportunities available and moving towards targets of reducing greenhouse gas emissions (2008). Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program (CARIP) 2019 Report Highlights and celebrates local government climate action in British Columbia (2019). How the City of Dawson Creek can play a role in enhancing the well-being of our residents. A community-wide survey to understand if there is a drug problem and the steps the community might take to deal with it (2007). The City of Dawson Creek's approach to becoming carbon neutral and opportunities to identify and implement to reduce emissions. Pembina Baseline Report/Energy Plan Examines current a;nd future energy consumption patterns for the municipal operations of Dawson Creek and is the first step to developing and implementing a community energy plan. Sunset Ridge – Harvest View Sustainable Neighbourhood Plan Outlines Dawson Creek's first official sustainable neighbourhood plan to be adopted within the Official Community Plan as a bylaw amendment. Sustainability Baseline Assessment Current and future community planning initiatives towards becoming a more sustainable community (2007). Executive Summary for strategic direction for decision making (2003). |